Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Strength of Vulnerability

Do you feel the need to be vulnerable? I sure do sometimes. It is rather difficult for a man to say this, but it is necessary for all of us to be vulnerable at some point. In fact, if we think about it, we are by nature vulnerable beings. How many of you, if you truly think about it, rely on others to simply live? I’m not talking about the obvious, such as your heart beating or your immune system working. I’m talking about eating, lodging, receiving education and so on. Things like, receiving love, protection from criminals and dangerous viruses, and national defense are some things we also take for granted. It is amazing to me how the modern man has become so self-centered and under the illusion of self-sustenance when in fact we are more dependent than ever we have ever been. If another country were to attack Japan, for example, and we lose our economic structure, how many of us will survive as basic farmers or hunter gatherers? I believe most of us will end up as beggars as our skills are so far removed from the basic functions of survival. We rely on others to figure those things out.

I was talking to a lady in my old church with the O’Brien’s one day. As I was translating the whole process of adoption, in which the lady knew much about, she said something that caught my attention. She was describing how each mother who adopts a child needs to quit everything and focus on the child and show as much affection to the child as possible. This is due to the child being so hurt, even as a baby, that excess love was needed to comfort him or her. Therefore, the lady said, it is discouraged for mothers to be working at least for the first several years of the baby’s life. She said the first few years were crucial in connecting with the baby and start the process of healing him or her!

Oh how much love we truly need! If a baby who has been hurt at age 3 months needs that much attention, how much do adults who have been hurt over many years need it? I’m fairly certain we need it as much as a baby since we are merely grown babies with a brain that can process hurtful things. Just as much as eating, love is a basic need for human survival.

This is where my message from chapel last Saturday connects with. The question is, who can provide all of these needs? We need a hero, who will not only come to our rescue, but who will provide for our most fundamental need; love. Isn’t it great that we are given this person? That he is real? Jesus who has promised to provide for our daily needs also loves us abundantly! All he asks for return is that we become vulnerable and rely upon him. How easy! Honestly, I can’t think of a better person to rely upon. As mentioned in church, we all rely on something. We choose God, or “not God,” everything other. We rely on the strength of something, whether it may be our own brain, science, society, government or family. However, nothing promises the fundamental provision of our essential needs as does Jesus. His sacrifice is the ultimate form of love in which nothing can compete. I think I’ll choose to rely upon Jesus. Hope you do too.

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